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New Hampshire是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911...
来自 : danci.911cha.com/N...Hampshire 发布时间:2021-03-24
New Hampshire是什么意思 New Hampshire在线翻译 New Hampshire什么意思 New Hampshire的意思 New Hampshire的翻译 New Hampshire的解释 New Hampshire的发音 New Hampshire[nju:ˈhæmpʃiə] New Hampshire 基本解释



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1. 新罕布什尔州:是美国的,美国最南端的一个州、一般来说,东北部管的比较严,可是也有例外,像缅因州(Maine),新罕布什尔州(New Hampshire)就很松. 中西部管的比较松,可是也有例外,芝加哥(Chicago)从一九八六年起,不允许私人拥有手枪,号称无枪市. 那才是个大笑话,


2. (新罕布夏):位于新罕布夏 (New Hampshire)的达特茅斯学院是美国八所常春藤大学之一,以其优秀的教学质量和卓越的校友享誉全球. 达特茅斯的校园让我觉得是一幅法国印象派大师莫内(Monet)的风景画,而女孩子们正是画中一点点引人目光的亮点,美丽而不招摇,

3. 新罕布希尔州:美国国务院副发言人瑞克说,新版护照将在新罕布希尔州(New Hampshire)的??茨茅斯统一制作. 瑞克称,美国此次推出的新护照为世界上最安全的旅行证件之一,将歹徒和恐怖份子冒用或伪造这种护照的可能性降至了最低. 至於新型护照的防伪功能,

New Hampshire 双语例句

1. New Hampshire, beloved of John McCain for his primary victories there in 2000 and 2008, went for Mr Obama.


2. You have donewhat the state of New Hampshire can do in five days.

3. But on this January night – at this defining moment in history – you have done what the cynics said we couldn`t do; what the state of New Hampshire can do in five days; what America can do in this New Year.

4. This is the website of the New Hampshire-Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center.

5. New Hampshire

5. In this March 21, 2010 photo, Avery Smith, 23, of White River Junction, Vt., makes her first attempt at pond skimming during the the fourth annual end of season Junk Show at Whaleback Mountain in Enfield, New Hampshire.

6. Two economists did the study.*: Andrew Oswald of the U niversity of W Warwick in England and David Blanch Flower at * college Dartmouth College in N New Hampshire.
两位经济学家做个这项研究:英国华威大学的 Andrew Oswald 和美国新罕布什尔达特茅斯学院的 David Blanch Flower。

7. And so let freedom ring -- from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire.

8. This is the website for Department of Natural Resources, University of New Hampshire.

9. New Hampshire的近义词

9. I, uh... I just wanted to get out of New Hampshire

10. New Hampshire

10. I was not looking forward to the drive back to New Hampshire.

11. You have done what the state of New Hampshire can do in five days.

12. This user lives in state of New Hampshire.

13. \\u0064\\u0061\\u006E\\u0063\\u0069\\u002E\\u0039\\u0031\\u0031\\u0063\\u0068\\u0061\\u002E\\u0063\\u006F\\u006D

13. While all this was going on, however, the main focus of the campaign was New Hampshire.

14. Patty, 43, rarely ventures from her Raymond, New Hampshire, home. Not with diabetes destroying her kidneys and pancreas. Not with dialysis treatments every five hours. Not with the phone call she\'d been waiting four years to receice the call that would summon her for the double organ transplant she so desperately needs to live the call that could come at any time.

15. Patty, 43, rarely ventures from her Raymond, New Hampshire, home. Not with diabetes destroying her kidneys and pancreas. Not with dialysis treatments every five hours. Not wi k中 th the phone call she\'d been waiting four years to receice the call that would summon her for the d 65 ouble organ transplant she so desperately 北美文学网 needs to live the call that could come at any time.
43岁的帕蒂难得冒险从新罕布什尔州雷蒙德市的家里走出去,因为她的糖尿病正在损坏肾脏和胰腺,因北美枫年为她每隔5小时要透析,因为她4年来一直在等 D 待一个电话--等着接受急需的救她命的双器官移植--北美文学网这个电话随时都个j 可能自打来。

16. New Hampshire的意思

16. The flakes fell at a rate of up to 2 inches per hour, and by early Thursday, areas of Maine already had nearly a foot and a half of wet, heavy snow, and central New Hampshire saw 16 inches in spots.
冰雹以每小时两英寸的速度落下,到周2早些时候,Maine州地区又湿又重的积雪已经达到了一英尺半深,New Hampshir中心地区发生了16英寸的降雪。

17. New Hampshire的近义词

17. Researchers from the University of New Hampshire set their sights on vino because lots of people drink the stuff, so lots of people purchase it.

18. In New Hampshire, the Division of Motor Vehicles is a division of the Department of Safety.

19. Besides, in New Hampshire, the Speaker and I had pledged to try to work together.

20. As seen from neighboring Vermont, autumn begins to sprinkle the White Mountains of New Hampshire with color.

New Hampshire 单语例句New Hampshire的近义词

1. Kerry campaigned from New Hampshire to Wisconsin during the day by way of Pennsylvania and Michigan.

2. Romney has triumphed in two of the first four contests, having also won in New Hampshire and coming in second in Iowa and South Carolina.

3. The US officially embarked on the road to the critical presidential election in November with the Republican caucus in Iowa and the New Hampshire primary.

4. New Hampshire Democratic Party Chairwoman Kathy Sullivan points out that her state has changed considerably since the Clintons first campaigned there.

5. Trees were blown onto homes and cars, and a big Christmas tree in front of the New Hampshire Statehouse was toppled.

6. The Republican candidates now head to the New Hampshire primary next Tuesday, where Romney holds a commanding lead in the polls.

7. Robinson has said repeatedly that he will not withdraw, and a statement Thursday from diocesan officials in New Hampshire held that line.

8. Both campaigns primed Election Day turnout programs in battleground states from New Hampshire to Nevada.

9. A man looks at job postings at a job fair in New Hampshire in a file photo.

10. Clinton defied the polls and narrowly upset Barack Obama in New Hampshire on Tuesday, breathing new life into her US presidential campaign after finishing third in Iowa.

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发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)
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